Dr. Alfredo Hoyos, creator of the most innovative body contouring techniques that are available today within the field of Plastic Surgery, which he calls High Definition Liposculpture Techniques. Over the years and as a complement to his practice, he has dedicated part of his time to developing multiple surgical instruments, tools with special and refined characteristics that have made surgical procedures safer and more effective for both the patient as for the surgeon.

Motiva® combines innovative products and tools with the most advanced surgical approaches to create surgeries designed for personalized patient outcomes. Through Motiva EDGE®, a medical education program, you will have access to the latest studies, techniques and resources for your practice, which also focuses on enhancing patient satisfaction

Nano-fat grafting is a revolutionary new treatment, and its popularity is growing exponentially in medical aesthetics for volume restoration, contouring the shape of the face, as well as improving skin quality. The size of the graft and the components thereof determines whether a graft is a milli, micro or nano fat. The Lipocube TM Nano ™ is a single - use mechanical device for the processing of lipoaspirate, the autologous fat tissue, milli, micro and nano fat graft according to the Depth of transfer.

Vaser Academy
A distributor of high-end medical equipment, a subsidiary of Surgical Aestethics Technologies and Developer of Vaser Academy in continuous training of surgical techniques. Always looking to offer the highest quality products with the latest technology. All technologies are approved by the FDA and are preferred worldwide by specialists.

InMode develops, manufactures and markets new radiofrequency (RF) – based technologies that allow minimally invasive procedures and improve existing surgical procedures. With state-of-the-art light, laser, and radiofrequency devices invented by leading doctors and scientists, who essentially launched and shaped the industry. Body tite -Morpheus-FaceTite- AcuTite- Votiva and more.

It has been at the forefront of developing and implementing high-quality aspiration and infiltration instruments and equipment for the medical marketplace. The Wells Johnson High Volume Precision (HVP) Auto-Graft Infusion System is a highly customizable, streamlined, and self-contained fat collection and insertion device. The Wells HVP System is a vital component of all fat transfer procedures.

Marina Medical Instruments designs, develops, and delivers surgeon- focused solutions for plastic and aesthetic surgery Remora Retractor – Developed and Designed with Dr. Alfredo Hoyos. Curved shape and serrations allow for better visibility and helps to keep the tissue in place. Hoyos Retractor for mini and full lipoabdominoplasty. This unique retractor is for Dynamic Definition Lipoabdominoplasty Combining Multilayer Liposculpture.

Crisalix is the first web-based 3D simulation technology based on 2D photos for facial aesthetic procedures and breast augmentation. This unique 3D simulation application only requires 3 standard 2D photos for the Virtual Assistant to generate 3D views portraying accurate before and after patient images in just a few minutes.

MICROAIRE® PAL High Definition is a new state-of-the-art ultrasound liposuction technology that acts selectively on fatty tissue and makes the fat liquid for extraction, sculpting the silhouette in those areas that need to be redefined.